Poodie's Hilltop Roadhouse

Contact Info
22308 Texas 71

Upcoming Shows

June 8
August 23

Previous Shows

May 17
Burton’s career started in 2006 with a broken heart, a broken down van, and a haphazard tour across Canada in a van named Lucky. This set the tone for an artist life driven by adventure, spontaneity, and a desire to connect with people from all walks o
May 9
A Crow tribal member, Cary received the 2018 Independent Music Awards for Best Blues CD and the 2017 Indigenous Music Awards for Best Blues CD.
April 26
April 15
April 5
March 15
March 1
Burton’s career started in 2006 with a broken heart, a broken down van, and a haphazard tour across Canada in a van named Lucky. This set the tone for an artist life driven by adventure, spontaneity, and a desire to connect with people from all walks o