Live Acoustic Music Near Bandon, Oregon

If you've never experienced hearing talented musicians perform in a small, intimate environment, you are in for a treat.

Churches and non-profit community groups around Bandon host occasional coffeehouses that feature traditional folk musicians and other acoustic artists as a way of bringing the community together.

Local restaurants and cafes in the area sometimes host nationally touring musicians as well.

Below you can find a listing of upcoming shows in these smaller venues by nationally and internationally touring artists.

Upcoming Acoustic Shows

May 22
7 Devils Brewing Co (Brewery)
Coos Bay, OR
June 2
"Alice's music has that great combination of earthiness and groove that keeps it funky from the inside out. She's for real." Bonnie Raitt. "...sublime songwriting and breathtaking vocals...a singer of remarkable quality."
Oran Mor Artisan Meads (Brewery)
Roseburg, OR
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Places to see live acoustic music in and around Bandon, Oregon

Folk Music Coffeehouses

Pistol River Concert Association (Pistol River)

Cafes, Restaurants & Coffee Shops

Front Street Provisioners (Coos Bay)
Kelly's Cozy Corner (Sutherlin)