David Singley is a songwriter in one the great arts and music epicenters of the Midwest: Minneapolis. As a guitarist schooled in the jazz tradition at Berklee and Indiana, Singley found a comfortable flexibility between proficiency and flow. He has since accompanied an array of notable musicians in numerous genres, performing for over 40 years.
David’s latest album, The Long, Slow Fuse of Night, is his premiere as a singer-songwriter. In this album, he composes at the convergence of refined experience and authenticity.
Decades of investigating different points-of-view led David to create an album of his own design. This diverse collection of songs is woven together by skilled craftsmanship in rock, country, and jazz. Each song holds its own essential moments that embody the landscape of the song itself. The Long, Slow Fuse of Night invites listeners to the vulnerability of David’s lived experiences and surrenders to a genuine and ardent intimacy with facing reality while embracing the heart.
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