Leslie Mendelson


Upcoming Shows

January 16
The Room at Cedar Grove (Listening Room)
Lewes, DE
January 17
Barns of Rose Hill (Listening Room)
Berryville, VA
January 18
The Kennett Flash (Listening Room)
Kennett Square, PA
February 21
Buffalo Friends of Folk Music (Folk Music Society)
Williamsville, NY
February 23
The Linda (Listening Room)
Albany, NY
February 27
SPACE (Listening Room)
Evanston, IL
March 1
The Alluvion (Listening Room)
Traverse City, MI
March 2
Green Wood Coffee House (Out of Eden) (Folk Music Coffeehouse)
Grass Lake, MI
March 6
Midland Theatre (Concert Hall)
Newark, OH
March 15
Levon Helm Studios (Listening Room)
Woodstock, NY
March 27
eTown (Small Theater)
Boulder, CO
March 28
Swallow Hill (Small Theater)
Denver, CO
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