Red Lodge Songwriter Festival

Contact Info
Welcome to the Red Lodge Songwriter Festival. For three days in June the streets of Red Lodge, bars, cafes, and parks become a gathering place for songwriters from Montana, Nashville, and around the country. Park benches, bar stools, hotel lobbies, and parks become picking sessions. This is the place displaying songwriting at its highest level in the amazing mountains of Red Lodge, Montana. Nashville Hit songwriters and Rising Stars will play their songs and tell the stories behind the songs.

Upcoming Shows

Sorry, we don't currently know of any upcoming concerts scheduled. Please check back later.

Previous Shows

June 22
"Berardo has a magical way of bringing you into the story. You don't want the song to end." Jane Falvey, Host, Kingston Coffeehouse, WRIU-FM
June 21
"Berardo has a magical way of bringing you into the story. You don't want the song to end." Jane Falvey, Host, Kingston Coffeehouse, WRIU-FM
June 20
The Red Lodge Songwriter Festival runs from June 20 to June 22.